Modèles d’affaires de la consommation collaborative

Il y a un peu plus d’un an, je parlais du sujet dans ce billet : Vers la consommation collaborativeRachel Botsman venait de faire une conférence au TED et avait publiée son livre What’s Mine Is Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption. Aujourd’hui, elle publie, pour le compte du think tank anglais Nesta, une présentation sur les modèles d’affaires autour de la consommation collaborative intitulée Purpose with profits : Collaborative consumption business models.

Nous passons d’un modèle d’hyper-consommation à un de consommation collaborative.

De plus, il existe, Collaborative Consumption Hub, un portail fédérateur avec beaucoup d’information sur le sujet.

On peut y trouver des définitions, des portraits de pionniers et d’experts, des infographies, et surtout une liste impressionnante de services et plate-formes de consommation collaborative.

Voici la liste :

Product Service Systems

Pay for the benefit of using a product without needing to own the product outright. Disrupting traditional industries based on models of individual private ownership.

Car sharing

Car sharing (from big automobile brands)
BMW DriveNowVolkswagen QuicarPeugeot MuDaimler Car2Go

Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing
WhipcarRelayRidesDrivemycar RentalsGetaroundTamyca, Buzzcar,Nachbarschaftsauto

Bike sharing
VelibBixiBarclays Cycle HireB-CycleEcobiciCall-A-BikeCyclOcityNiceride,HZ BikeSocial Bicycles

Ride sharing

Solar Power
Solar CitySolar CenturyPretaSolOne Block Off The GridCitizenRe

Toy Rental
Dim DomBabyPlaysRent-a-toyToyLibSpeelothekenBrinquedotecaSmarty RentsToygaroo

Textbook Rental

Art Rental

Fashion Rental
Bag Borrow & StealFashionhireFrom Bags To Riches, i-EllaDress VaultLove Me and Leave MeRenttherunway


General Online Rental

Peer Rental
ZilokRentoidEcomodoHireThingsThingloopRentalicRentStuffBid & Borrow

Neighborhood Rental
SharesomesugarNeighborrowNeighborgoodsThe SharehoodFrentsFriends With ThingsHey Neighbor!

Redistribution Markets

Redistribute used or pre-owned goods from where they are not needed to somewhere or someone where they are.

Big marketplaces

Free/Gift Exchanges

Used Electronics
GazelleeBay Instant SaleApple Recycling Program

Swap sites for books
BookHopperThebookswapPaperbackswapBookmoocheBook Fling

Swap sites for baby goods and toys

Clothing swaps
SwapstyleClothing Exchange99 DressesBig Wardrobei-EllaMano Drabuziai

Swap sites for media (Dvd’s, books, games) 
SwapSwapSimpleDig N’SwapNetcyclerGaBoom

Neighborhood Marketplaces
Egg CartelZaarlyGarage Sale TrailHey, Neighbor!

Collaborative Lifestyles

It’s not just physical goods that can be shared, swapped, and bartered. People with similar interests are banding together to share and exchange less tangible assets such as time, space, skills, and money.

Coworking Spaces
Citizen SpaceHub CultureThe HubVibewire Enterprise HubTechHub,NewWorkCityStudioMatesBees OfficeCoLoftLa Ruche

Coworking Space Finders

Social Lending 
ZopaProsperThe Lending ClubBooberManeoQifang

Social currencies
VenQuidTimeBanksLETSystemsSPICE Timebank

Peer-to-Peer Travel
CouchSurfingAirbnbRoomoramaCrashpadderOne Fine StayBed And Fed,9flatsiStopover

Taxi Sharing 




Skill sharing
Brooklyn Skill ShareTeachStreetTradeSchoolSkillshareSkilioWeTeachMe

Shared Studios/Workshops
3rd Space StudiosTechShop

Parking spots
ParkAtMyHouseParkCircaPark On My Drive

Neighborhood Support
WeCommuneShare Some SugarBright NeighborHey Neighbor!Streetbank,OhSoWeToolzDo

Errand & Task Networks

Unique Experience Marketplaces

Social Food Networks
GobbleGrub.lyGrubWithUsEatWithMeWok ‘n’ WineHouseFed

Storage Networks

J’avais présenté lors du WAQ 2012, un conférence sur les plates-formes d’innovation ouverte.

Il y a plein d’exemples de ces services et plate-formes qui existent et se créent au Québec. L’objectif  du prochain 5 @ 7 Co-Montréal (Créativité et innovation) est de cartographier les initiatives locales.

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