Badges numériques et mouvement Open Badges en 2014

En ce début d’année 2015, Badge Alliance a publié une rétrospective des événements et des publications les plus significatives de 2014 dans la communauté des badges numériques ouverts.


Lien :

Comparaison sur une année :

Open Badges Statistics (January 2014)
– 235,100 total badges issued through OBI
– 1,915 total issuers
– 52,395 total Backpacks
– Over 265 companies across a variety of sectors (i.e. workforce development, higher education, informal learning, k-12, etc.) have committed to exploring how open badges can be used within their sectors as a means to successfully accomplish the 2 Million Better Futures goal.

Open Badges Statistics (December 2014):
– 303,900 total badges issued through OBI
– 14,000 total issuers
– 81,715 total Backpacks
– Over 1,000 organizations across a variety of sectors (including workforce development, higher education, informal learning, k-12, etc.) have committed to exploring how open badges can be used within their sectors as a means to successfully accomplish the 10 Million Better Futures goal.

Aussi, une infographie qui résume l’année 2014

2015 sera très certainement encore plus vivante !

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